Laser Diameter Micrometer ราคาถูก
Mainly used in the measuring of outer diameters of pipes,wires and rods such as communication cables,plastic wires,electric cables,optic fibers,enameled wires,aluminum plastic pipes,streel products,fibers;It allows both method of on-line measuring and method of off-line measuring,and can conduct automatic feedback control and on-line communication with commputers.
The Characteristics Of The Product:
Employs laser scanning and contactless measurement with no damage to the object.
Employs high speed data processing technology with fast sampling,high precision and table and rellable performance.
compatible with PID feedback control system.
Can be fitted with R5485/232communlcation Interface,capable of communlcating with PC or PLC.
Can be equlpped with digital display with a range of 200 meters.
Can be equlpped with relay deviation actuating alarm.
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