PCS 009 win
Control panel with LCD display,
20 characters x 4 lines,
numeric pad and 4 double-assignable function keys with integrated LEDs
PCS 090 win
Control panel with LCD display,
40 characters x 2 lines,
numeric pad and 8 function keys with integrated LEDs
PCS 095 win
Control panel with LCD display,
40 characters x 4 lines,
numeric pad and 16 double-assignable function keys with integrated LEDs
PCS 900 win
Control panel with vacuum fluorescent display, 40 characters x 2 lines,
numeric pad and 20 function keys with integrated LEDs
PCS 950 win
Control panel with CFL LCD display backlit with 320 x 240 pixels, numeric pad and 20 function keys with 2 integrated LEDs. Prepared for 4 switches of 22.5 mm each.
PCS 950q win
Control panel with CFL LCD display backlit with 320 x 240 pixels, numeric pad and 20 function keys with 2 integrated LEDs. Prepared for 4 switches of 22.5 mm each.
LCA 200
Text display with
LCD display, 40 characters x 2 lines
LCA 245
Text display with
fluorescent display,
40 characters x 2 lines,
5 function keys.
LCA 300
Text display with
LCD display, 40 characters x 2 lines,
8 function keys.
LCA 320
Text display with
LCD display, 40 characters x 4 lines,
8 function keys.
LCA 325
Text display with
LCD display, 40 characters x 4 lines,
8 function keys and
serial (RS 232) printer interface